Legal disclaimer

1. General information

In accordance with the provisions of Article 6 III-1 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 to support confidence in the digital economy, we hereby inform you that:

  • this website is the property of the operator: Zencap Asset Management, S.A.S. joint stock company with capital of € 624 045, listed in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 533 216 271, whose registered office is located at 22, rue Vernier, 75017 Paris, France (e-mail:; Tel.: +33 (0)1 40 68 17 17);
  • Zencap Asset Management is an investment management company approved by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF - 17 Place de la Bourse, 75002 Paris - under the registration number GP-11000024;
  • the website's Publishing Director is Mr Richard Jacquet in his capacity as Chairman;
  • the service provider ensuring the direct and permanent storage is Ofi Invest Asset Management;
  • the webmaster (editor) is Mr Pierre-Olivier Frainais;
  • the production and hosting of the website were carried out by Ofi Invest Asset Management, whose contact details are: 22, rue Vernier 75017 Paris, France (Tel.: +33 (0)1 40 68 17 17);
  • photo credit is attributed to ©;
  • Zencap Asset Management's intra-community VAT number is: FR0533216271; and the regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the activities of Zencap Asset Management is the French Financial Markets Authority (AMF), whose contact details are: (i) address: 17, place de la Bourse - 75082 Paris Cedex 02, France; (ii) telephone number: +33 (0)1 53 45 60 00.

The purpose of this website is to present the activities of Zencap Asset Management. This service is not in any way an offer of products or services or any solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities or other management, investment or investment advice products.

2. Terms of use

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The website operator makes every effort to provide users with available and verified information and/or tools, but cannot be held responsible for any errors, lack of availability of information and/or the presence of viruses on its website. The information provided by the website operator is for information purposes only and should not exempt the user from carrying out further customised analysis. The website operator cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information published on its website. Consequently, the user acknowledges that it uses this information under its exclusive responsibility. In the event of errors or imperfections, the website operator undertakes to regularise this situation as soon as possible after having been notified of it.
To report any errors:

4. General warning about products and services

The information on the products and/or services presented on the website is only intended for persons residing in France. The information contained on the Zencap Asset Management website is not in any way an offer of products or services or any solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities or other investment management products or investment advice. It is presented for information purposes only and therefore has no contractual value.
All persons interested in receiving additional requests, including information on the risks and characteristics of the products and/or services, are invited to contact the Sales Department on +33 (0)1 40 68 12 94, which will help the user to evaluate the products that meet its needs and present the associated risks. The products presented on Zencap Asset Management's website may be marketed in accordance with the contractual conditions, applicable regulations and rates in force at the time of their purchase. In any event, Zencap Asset Management shall not supply the products and/or services to a person if the law of its country of origin, or of any other country concerning it, prohibits this. It is the responsibility of any interested person to check beforehand with its usual advisers that its legal and fiscal status authorises it to purchase the products or services presented on the website.

5. Declaration

In accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 concerning data processing, data files and individual freedoms, as amended, the automated processing of personal data carried out on the website has been declared to the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL - French National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties), which issued a receipt under the number 712 365.

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Zencap Asset Management makes use of your personal data to execute the contracts binding Zencap Asset Management to its clients and suppliers, meet its legal requirements, identify your needs based on your user experience, and for the purposes of OFI’s legislative interests. You have the right to access your personal data and to its portability, as well as the right to rectify it or, in cases authorised by law, to object to it being processed; you also have the possibility to set out instructions about what should be done with your personal data in the event of death. Please consult our data protection policy for more information about how Zencap Asset Management processes your personal data.

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