Zencap Asset Management
* As mentioned in art. 423-27 in the French AMF « Règlement Général » and/or professional investors as described in article D.533-11 in the French « Code Monétaire et Financier ».

Key Figures



assets under management




in completed transactions

Our team

Experienced staff members, dedicated to investment and risk management as well as development


Our ESG approach

Zencap Asset Management, an investment company committed to responsible investment
* Our policy takes into account the grounds of articles 3 & 4 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation 2019/2088
** These documents take into account the grounds of article 29 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation 2019/2088


Our funds

A complete range of specialised investment funds on various sub-sectors of the European Private Debt market
  • Financing debt of unlisted companies (Loan or Bond format)
  • An attractive risk/return ratio (liquidity premium)
  • Performance target ranging from +2% p.a. to +10% p.a. depending on the fund strategies
  • A long term investment horizon (locked funds)
  • Lower volatility than on « public debt » markets
  • A low capital cost (SCR) vs. the expected return


Our portfolio

Zencap AM is active in a wide range of financing solutions, sourced through a proven multi-channel network
  • Corporate financing
  • Asset / Project financing: real estate, infrastructure, real assets
  • From senior to mezzanine debt
  • Sponsored and sponsorless deals
  • Deals as sole creditor and club deals
  • A pan-european focus with exclusively euro-denominated financing
our portfolio



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22, rue Vernier - 75017 Paris (FRANCE)

  • +33 (0)1 40 68 17 17

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