Corporate Debt

(1) Include an open-ended fund + a dedicated fund on the same strategy
(2) Refers to the maximum amount deployed by this fund, before partial amortization

Disclaimer: The funds presented are Specialised Professional Funds within the meaning of Article L.214-154 of the French Monetary and Financial Code. The subscription or acquisition, sale or transfer of units, directly or through an intermediary, is reserved for the investors mentioned in Article 423-27 of the General Regulations of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers.
The prospectus of the Fund must be offered to subscribers prior to subscription, delivered at subscription and made available on request, as well as the latest financial statements available. These documents are available from Zencap AM.
Subscriptions in units or shares of the Fund may present risks. The value of investments may rise or fall depending on market trends and the investor may not recover the sums invested, as the value of the units and shares depends on the value of the financial instruments held in the portfolio. For more details on the risks involved, please refer to the full prospectus of the Specialised Professional Fund concerned. The tax treatment specific to investment in units or shares of Funds depends on the individual situation of each investor and is subject to change.